Thoughts on Engineering, Photography, and Design.

Hey, I'm Ryan Heath. I design & develop things for a living and play with cameras for fun. This is where I share my thoughts on all of that — and probably more — along the way.

A Personal Site Redesign

Every so many years I do a redesign of my personal site, Things go stale, technically, so I clean that up and typically put a fresh coat of paint on while I’m at it. Given that I’m usually working to satisfy other people, it’s nice to work on something where I’m the only stakeholder. Ahh, creative freedom.

Something I wanted to bring back to this redesign was a bit of “fun”. Remember CSS Zen Garden? The idea was all about showcasing the power of CSS and how it could transform the same HTML into completely different designs. It got me thinking… Why does my personal site need to adhere to the same design on every page? After all, it’s not a product, it doesn’t have “users”. So that’s what I did. Each page represents its content in its own way.

I don’t know how long I’ll live with these changes, but as of today, I’m digging it. Here’s a before/after glimpse of how it turned out, but you can browse for yourself at



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